
Corporate Client’s Testimonials
Private & IELTS Client’s Testimonials
Makiyama Kazuteru photo

Makiyama Kazuteru

President Director, PT Sony Indonesia

Kursus Bahasa Indonesia di AIM adalah yang terbaik. Kami sangat puas, dengan pilihan jadwal yang flexible, dukungan staff pengajar yang menyenangkan membuat kami dengan mudah mempelajari Bahasa Indonesia dan ini sangat menunjang keperluan bisnis kami di Indonesia. Dengan metode terbaik, mereka menjadi percaya diri, tidak hanya membaca, menulis dan juga berbicara Bahasa Indonesia dengan baik dan benar dan juga lancar untuk setiap meeting atau pidato dalam Bahasa Indonesia.”

Corporate Client’s Testimonials
J. Yunianto photo

J. Yunianto

HRD Manager, CIMB Niaga Auto Finance

“Aim is definitely not a common English language school. We got a lot more than just knowledge of English. The teachers always teach earnestly and they create an interesting atmosphere for learning English.“

Corporate Client’s Testimonials
Jabert Hachchouch photo

Jabert Hachchouch


“I am greatly satisfied of AIM’s Bahasa Indonesia classes over the last 10 months. The vocabulary studied is practical and useful for daily life and work environment. In the meantime, the sessions are very dynamic and focused on discussion. All together the best way to learn or improve quickly on a new language. Terimakasih Pak Guru.”

Corporate Client’s Testimonials
Juan Jose Caldera Barboza photo

Juan Jose Caldera Barboza

CEO, Lazada e-Logistics

I am grateful to have Bahasa Indonesia lessons. I am still a beginner and I understand some simple structures. I’d like to continue learning and increasing the grade of complexity, introducing some new simple topics.

Corporate Client’s Testimonials
Zulkarnain photo


Lazada Indonesia

Materi dari AIM for English sangat bagus, mudah dimengerti, dan sesuai dengan pekerjaan. Guru nya asik, selalu on time, cara belajar nya juga seru, membuat anak didik nya selalu pede dan merasa bisa dalam pengajaran nya. Manfaat nya kita jadi lebih pede untuk berbicara atau email menggunakan bahasa Inggris. Seru deh belajar dengan AIM for English, pas cara belajar nya dengan orang pekerja seperti saya.

Corporate Client’s Testimonials
Jee Eun Shin photo

Jee Eun Shin

GM Consumer Products Division, L′OREAL INDONESIA

”I have done 2 modules of Bahasa Indonesia with AIM. It enables me to communicate in the local language. It also helps me to know more about the political issues of this country, which makes me feel more secure living in a foreign land.”

Corporate Client’s Testimonials
Thanaphat Huansuriya photo

Thanaphat Huansuriya

Head of Trade Development, PT L′Oreal Indonesia

“After only 6 lessons I can catch a few words easily, order a particular food in restaurants without help, and speak to taxi drivers and receptionist. I wish to continue to learn more after my first module is finished.”

Corporate Client’s Testimonials
Minh Chuc Ho photo

Minh Chuc Ho

IT Project Leader, PT HM Sampoerna

“Learning Bahasa Indonesia with AIM is not just studying the language but also the culture, the habits and the people. It’s worth it.”

Corporate Client’s Testimonials
Faren Indirawati Tjong photo

Faren Indirawati Tjong

Sr. Branch Executive, OCBC NISP Bank

“My Business English lessons with AIM were useful & relevant with my work. We had reading & speaking lessons about tax amnesty & it pushed me to better understand the topic and the Business English skills as well.”

Corporate Client’s Testimonials
Lawrence Lee photo

Lawrence Lee

Director, Wintermar

Karyawan kami memberikan umpan balik yang sangat positif dan kemampuan berbahasa Inggris mereka meningkat secara signifikan. Hingga saat ini, kami telah menyelesaikan 13 modul kursus pelatihan dari Aim dan memastikan bahwa kami akan terus menggunakan Aim sebagai penyedia pelatihan bahasa Inggris di organisasi kami.”

Corporate Client’s Testimonials
Ade Turusaka photo

Ade Turusaka


Untuk materinya cukup sesuai kebutuhan Bisnis di Kaskus. Bahkan pengajar open dengan masukan untuk materi yang akan dipelajari oleh rekan-rekan di Kaskus. Selain itu, pengajar juga dengan baik menangkap kebutuhan masing-masing personal peserta kelas Business English. Manfaat yang dirasakan adalah rekan-rekan semakin percaya diri dalam mengaplikasikan apa yang mereka sudah pelajari di kelas.

Corporate Client’s Testimonials
Antonius Guntoro photo

Antonius Guntoro

PT Detpak Indonesia

“Materi kursus yang diberikan oleh Aim terkait erat dengan kegiatan bisnis harian kami. Pelajaran di kelas sangat jelas dan interaksi antara guru-guru native Aim dengan para peserta pelatihan terjalin dengan sangat baik. Tes-tes yang diberikan secara berjangka juga merupakan cara yang baik untuk mengevaluasi program sekaligus untuk mendapatkan hasil yang dapat diukur dengan tepat. ”

Corporate Client’s Testimonials
Husin photo



The learning material provided by the instructor is very helpful in daily work and even in my daily activity. e.g. Material about an email, bargaining and negotiation. Overall, the instructor is good. She gave us us a lot of time to practice.

After learning, I got some new vocabularies. I also got time to practice English with my colleagues. Now I know how to create a good email and how to bargain and negotiate in my daily work.

Testimonial: When I want to get a something I should sacrifice my pleasure. I had to get up early, but i got new knowledge for learning English. I hope this learning can continue into the next step.

Corporate Client’s Testimonials
Gunawan photo


GDP Labs

Materinya membantu untuk pekerjaan karena porsi antara praktik dan teori sudah seimbang. Guru kami baik dan kami jadi lebih berani menggunakan Bahasa Inggris sehari-hari. Secara keseluruhan ini adalah kelas yang seru dan menyenangkan.

Corporate Client’s Testimonials
Chi Won Song photo

Chi Won Song

An expatriate living in Jakarta

“I am happy to be able to communicate with our assistants in Bahasa Indonesia and focusing on practical conversation as well as repeating major vocabulary.”

Corporate Client’s Testimonials
Tris Tan Commecy photo

Tris Tan Commecy

VP Marketplace, PT LAZADA Indonesia

”My Bahasa Indonesia lessons with AIM took me from a complete beginner to being able to express ideas and opinions. The roleplay situations in our class helped a lot and l can now have conversation in formal Indonesian language with pretty much everyone.”

Corporate Client’s Testimonials
Chetlur Sreekanth photo

Chetlur Sreekanth

Head of Ecommerce and Omni Channel, PT Matahari Putra Prima, Tbk.

“I needed to learn Bahasa Indonesia to be able to communicate in day to day life, which was getting difficult. In my Bahasa Indonesia class, I learned common words, phrases, greetings, where I get a good grasp of the language. The class has given me a very positive impact, I am able to speak and comprehend my conversations with the locals.”

Corporate Client’s Testimonials
Jon Christopher Neporadny photo

Jon Christopher Neporadny

Head of Planning and Allocation, PT Matahari Putra Prima, Tbk.

“I needed to learn Bahasa Indonesia to learn basic communication skills and to understand my team better. I have achieved my needs. It is a good training.”

Corporate Client’s Testimonials
Kevin Linn Fetzer photo

Kevin Linn Fetzer

Head of Store Operation, PT Matahari Putra Prima, Tbk.

“I needed to be able to understand and communicate basic needs in both professional and social situations. The class has been very helpful to add comfort in attempting to converse at work and in social situations. I appreciate the investment in learning Bahasa Indonesia.”

Corporate Client’s Testimonials
Caroline Widananta photo

Caroline Widananta

Marketing Communications, D&V Medika

“I’ve been learning with AIM for English for almost 3 months and Mrs. Dewi and Pak Harry are really nice & friendly. Their clear explanation during the class gave me insightful lessons. They are experienced teachers and their lessons are easily applied in my daily work routines such as email, presenting something, etc.”

Corporate Client’s Testimonials
Winny Tompodung photo

Winny Tompodung

HR & GA Manager D&V Medika

“The teachers are friendly and professional. The materials they teach are easily understandable and the way they teach is fun. Overall, i think their services are excellent!”

Corporate Client’s Testimonials

Abdan Syakuro


I got the IELTS scores I needed. Thank you for assisting me!

Private & IELTS Client’s Testimonials

Dewo Baskoro


Good… I like the teachers. Yup, i did great 🙂 haha

Private & IELTS Client’s Testimonials

Monica Widjaja


I got an overall 7.5 in my IELTS test with significant improvement in Reading and Listening, and 7 in writing. I’m happy with the results but I’m planning to take more IELTS preparation class because one of the top universities I am aiming at is asking for minimum 7.5 in each skill!

Private & IELTS Client’s Testimonials

Nasha N. Bahasoean


“For a 5 days course, i get everything that i need. Especially tips and tricks that i never knew before to get through the test. I get the score that i needed, even though for the writing its still below my expectations, but it’s still okay cause at least its average for my school acceptance. For other section, i got a quite good score, just what im expecting after studying in AIM. So im practically happy about it.”

Private & IELTS Client’s Testimonials

Siti Amira (Ira) mizuiraa

Teknik Lingkungan / Universitas Trisakti

“Hi, Untuk sesi intronya udah bagus sih menurut aku, aku bisa dapet gambaran IELTS itu gimana, tipe soalnya seperti apa dari sesi itu. Masukannya ga ada sih, abisnya intro itu udah jelas kok materinya. Keep up the good work!”

Private & IELTS Client’s Testimonials

Fadhila Afifah

Teknik Lingkungan / Universitas Trisakti

“Seru ko sesi intronya, yg tadinya cuma ikut Ira dan ga tau terlalu banyak tentang IELTS jadi ngerti IELTS itu apa dan kayak gimana tesnya, kayaknya kalo untuk sesi intronya kayak kemarin aja juga udah puas ko kak.”

Private & IELTS Client’s Testimonials

Hana Adityas Madyarini

Kementrian PUPR

“Bagus kok, cara ngajarnya enak, Kita jadi paham ternyata IELTS itu sesuatu ya hehehe”

Private & IELTS Client’s Testimonials

Dian Islamiyati

Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris / UNJ

“Hai, sesinya seru banget sih ga ngebosenin gitu of course banyak knowledge yg di dapet yg tadinya gatau sma sekali IELTS itu kayak gimana jadi tau. At least sebelum nyoba IELTS mesti ngukur dulu kan seberapa sih kemampuan kita dan itu dijelasin kemarin sma tutornya. Semoga di sesi berikutnya lebih baik lagi.”

Private & IELTS Client’s Testimonials


Hospitality / STP Bali

“Bagus sih, sudah cukup menyenangkan. Snacknya enak dan banyak, habis puluhan ribu itu pasti buat snack aja. Kemarin kan intro aja ya? Nah itu udah pas sih saya rasa. Gak terlalu sulit juga, jadi yang MABA masih bisa pahamlah.”

Private & IELTS Client’s Testimonials

Fathur Rahmi

Pendidikan Matematika UNJ

“Cara penyampaian materi bagus dan tidak kaku. Enjoy juga dan pelayanannya sangat memuaskan. Tutornya ramah dan friendly juga.”

Private & IELTS Client’s Testimonials

IELTS Simulation

AIM’s experience in assisting hundreds of individuals in private classes over 13 years shows that IELTS preparation is not only about test strategies but also critical thinking, brainstorming skills and insight development, three elements which many students find challenging.

Private IELTS/iBT/Academic

AIM’s experience in assisting hundreds of individuals in private lessons over 13 years shows that IELTS, iBT and Academic English preparation is not only about test strategies but also critical thinking.

Bahasa Indonesia

AIM’s Bahasa Indonesia clients are expatriates who appreciate the investment in learning the local language. The benefits they feel include being able to communicate basic needs, increasing comfort when interacting in social settings both at home and at work, and even feeling more secure from being able to understand local news about the political situations in Indonesia.

Business English

Since 2006, AIM’s experience has shown that the majority of our Business English clients typically face two major challenges: a lack of confidence and a lack of fluency in using English at work, sometimes resulting in miscommunication and errors that can increase the cost of doing business for their companies.