
Six Tips For Making Business Presentations

Most people working in business, indeed in most organisations, are all too familiar with presentations. Making presentations is an activity almost completely divorced from the real purpose of the...

Culture Shock (And how to survive it!)

As a young man, I spent three years living and working in Japan. It was an important, formative experience in many ways, not least because it gave me first hand experience of culture shock, how it...

Blog Your Way to Better English

As long as you have access to the Internet, you can create a blog. If you’ve never blogged before, there’s really nothing to worry about – it couldn’t be simpler. Just go to one of the big free...

How to Get a Good Job (Part 3)

In the first part of this series we looked at preparing your CV and covering letter to get you into an interview. In the second we briefly discussed the interview itself. So let’s assume that you’ve...

Getting a Good Job (Part 2)

You’ve done it right so far. You have researched the opportunity, produced an excellent CV (or resumé), written a great covering letter, and it has all worked. They want you to come for an...

Exams – 3 Things Every Student Needs to Know About Passing Exams

Have you got an exam coming up? Or are you planning to go off to university and you know there will be lots of exams over the next few years? Then read on. You know what exams are for, of course....

IELTS test preparation tips

The IELTS test and IELTS preparation Background Universities realised long ago that the market for International students is huge and ever-growing. As globalisation gathers pace, many students...

Tips for business English training in Jakarta

Business English Training: keys to success published online by Aim, June 2008 We all know why modern business in the non English-speaking world needs the international language. The corporate...

Why invest in a private English class at Aim?

Aim specialises in private classes, which is a one-on-one class or a class consisting of only you and your friends or your colleagues. But why should you choose a private class, and for whom is a...

The IELTS test and IELTS preparation

Universities realised long ago that the market for International students is huge and ever-growing. As globalisation gathers pace, many students look outside their own country’s borders for further...

The Benefit of Making Mistake

Businesses make mistakes. All of them, on occasion, will get something wrong. Maybe a restaurant will mess up your order; perhaps a computer supplier will sell you the wrong software for your...

How to Survive Problems at Work

Not all work problems are “survivable”; there is, for example, not much you can do if your employer decides that a whole division or speciality has to go, and you are part of it! No matter how good...

Business Negotiations

One myth and eight tips from the real world. The myth Most training courses in negotiation will advise you that the “win/win” result is always what you should aim for. That’s when both parties...

Meetings at Work – Problems and Opportunities

Does it sometimes seem to you that half the business world is always “in a meeting”? And since at least 20% of the time we spend at meetings is wasted time, do you ever wonder who is actually...

How To Be On Time In Jakarta

JAKARTA’S TRAFFIC IS terrible, isn’t it? I’m typing this, sitting in the back of a taxi, wondering just how much of our own time and  productivity we all waste because of traffic jams....

The Colour of English

English can be a cold, precise, “black and white” language, if that’s what you need. You can use it with great precision, to say exactly what you want to say. Not only lawyers and scientists, who...


Long, long ago, in a galaxy far, far away, business theorists thought that their work was all about efficiency, and not at all about politics. They thought that outsourcing was a really good idea,...

The Performance Appraisal – Four Tips for Doing It Better

Sometimes it’s known as an “annual review”, sometimes it’s called a “performance review”. Whatever the name it’s given, it is a structured conversation between boss and subordinate about how the...

Tips for Learning English Vocabulary

Learning lots of new vocabulary is central to becoming great at communicating in English but, as most of you are probably aware, it can also be a rather boring experience. This article explores ways...

Proper English Pronunciation: 7 Tips for Indonesians

Many students at Aim ask us “how can I improve my pronunciation quickly?”. As always, there’s no substitute for practice, practice, and more practice. This article will explore a few...

How to Plan Your Career; Six Tips for Everyone With Ambition

Careers don’t just happen, and success needs to be planned. That’s the message of this short piece.  Some people make their high-flying careers seem effortless, don’t they? But maybe they are...

English On The Move

Here, we’ll talk about how English evolved in the USA, and what some of the obvious differences are between UK and US English. Sometime attributed to Winston Churchill, the words in the caption...

Creative Business English Training

When Aim was approached by Prudential, the multinational financial services giant, and asked to help  transform the language culture of their 700-strong Operations Division here in Jakarta, we...

Belajar Bahasa Inggris di Bulan Ramadhan

Menghadapi tantangan baru Sudah menjadi prinsip umum dalam upaya pengembangan pribadi bahwa anda akan dapat mencapai lebih banyak keberhasilan kalau anda membuat daftar hal-hal apa saja yang...

Transisi Dari Papan Tulis Menuju Smartboard

Sekolah yang saya pimpin mengadakan uji coba penggunaan papan tulis interaktif Smartboard. Kami sendiri merupakan sekolah bahasa yang berpikiran maju di Jakarta dan memiliki keinginan untuk...

Keajaiban Dalam Dunia Training

Pastilah ada keajaiban di sana karena jutaan perusahaan rela mengeluarkan uang hingga milyaran dolar untuk keperluan training. Yang menarik, perusahaan-perusahaan tersebut menemukan bahwa mereka...

10 Tip Andalan Kami Untuk Belajar Bahasa Inggris

Jadi, kamu mau mencari cara yang gampang dan cepat untuk belajar Bahasa Inggris? Sayang sekali…kami punya kabar buruk untuk kamu. Belajar bahasa memerlukan kerja keras dan waktu. Tapi, ada beberapa...

Enam Tips Dalam Membuat Presentasi Bisnis

Sebagian besar orang yang bekerja di dunia bisnis, bahkan di sebagian besar organisasi, pasti sudah mengenal presentasi. Membuat presentasi adalah kegiatan yang nyaris terpisah dari tujuan utama...

Nuansa Warna Bahasa Inggris

Bahasa Inggris bisa menjadi bahasa yang dingin, akurat, “hitam dan putih”, kalau memang itu yang anda perlukan. Anda bisa memakai bahasa Inggris dengan sangat akurat untuk mengucapkan apa...

Rapat di Kantor – Kendala dan Peluang

Apakah Anda terkadang merasa bahwa setengah dari dunia bisnis adalah “duduk di rapat”? Dan karena paling tidak 20% dari waktu yang kita gunakan dalam rapat adalah waktu yang terbuang sia-sia, apakah...

Bagaimana Perusahaan Anda Bisa Bertahan Menghadapi Resesi

Dengan adanya gelombang resesi di seluruh dunia, kita bisa melihat bagaimana para pengamat, khususnya di Amerika dan Eropa, merespon. Sebagian besar terkesima mendengar kabar buruk ini. Sebagian...

Mandarin vs English?

Back in the day, when I was at school in England (this was a long time ago!) we all had to learn to speak French. This was mainly because France is the UK’s nearest neighbour and, consequently, its...

Budaya Korporasi dan Pembelajaran Bahasa

W H Whyte mempublikasikan karyanya, “The Organization Man,” pada tahun 1956.  Karya tersebut merupakan upaya awal – bahkan mungkin upaya yang pertama sekali – untuk menggambarkan dampak dari...

Perubahan Iklim (untuk siswa internasional)

Tidak – ini bukan artikel tentang Pemanasan Global! Yang sesungguhnya, saya sedang memikirkan salah satu kesenangan yang bisa kita dapat dengan berkeliling dunia, itu sebabnya saya bilang iklim...

Culture Shock (dan bagaimana menghadapinya?)

Sewaktu muda, saya tinggal dan bekerja selama tiga tahun di Jepang. Dalam banyak sisi, tiga tahun tersebut memberi saya pengalaman yang penuh informasi dan membentuk kepribadian saya, terlebih...

Jadi, Bagaimana Rasanya Tinggal di “Barat”?

Mudah ditanya, tidak mudah dijawab. Biar saya gambarkan dulu betapa sulitnya menjawab dengan membalik pertanyaan itu dan bertanya “Bagaimana rasanya tinggal di Indonesia?” Mungkin anda akan...

Outsourcing (versi Bahasa Indonesia

Dahulu kala, para ahli teori bisnis berpikir bahwa pekerjaan mereka adalah mengenai efisiensi dan sama sekali bukan mengenai politik. Mereka berpikir bahwa outsourcing (alih daya) merupakan sebuah...

Penilaian Kinerja – Empat Tips Melakukan Penilaian Yang Lebih Baik

Penilaian ini sering dikenal dengan istilah “penilaian tahunan” atau “penilaian kinerja”. Istilah manapun yang dipakai, penilaian kinerja merupakan sebuah percakapan yang terstruktur antara atasan...

Tip Untuk Belajar Kosa Kata Bahasa Inggris

Belajar banyak kosa kata baru merupakan suatu hal yang penting dalam berkomunikasi menggunakan bahasa Inggris. Namun, seperti yang sebagian besar dari kalian mungkin sadari, hal tersebut bisa juga...

Bagaimana Merencanakan Karir Anda; Enam Tip Bagi si Ambisius

Karir tidak terjadi begitu saja dan sukses perlu direncanakan. Itulah pesan dari artikel pendek ini. Beberapa orang berencana membangun karir mereka setinggi langit namun tidak menghasilkan apa-apa,...

3 Hal Yang Harus Diketahui Mahasiswa Untuk Lulus Ujian

Apakah kamu akan menghadapi ujian? Atau mungkin kamu berencana melanjutkan studi ke jenjang perguruan tinggi dan kamu tahu bahwa kamu akan menghadapi banyak ujian di tahun-tahun mendatang? Bacalah...

Mandarin vs English

Back in the day, when I was at school in England (this was a long time ago!) we all had to learn to speak French. This was mainly because France is the UK’s nearest neighbour and, consequently, its...

An IELTS Test Examiner’s Tips – Part 1 – The Speaking Test

IELTS examiners are often asked to help students by revealing the scoring criteria, or perhaps giving a few ‘insider tips’ which IELTS preparation courses wouldn’t ordinarily include. While...

Pelatihan Bahasa Inggris Bisnis Yang Kreatif

Ketika Aim dihubungi oleh Prudential, sebuah perusahaan penyedia jasa keuangan multinasional raksasa, dan diminta untuk membantu mengubah budaya berbahasa dari 700 stafnya pada Divisi Operasi mereka...

Corporate Culture and English Language Learning

WH Whyte publish his work, “The Organization Man,” in 1956. The work represents an initial effort – perhaps even very first attempt – to describe the impact of the culture of an organization to...

Stop Worrying About Grammar

It’s a problem we see time and time again – students so worried about not making grammatical mistakes that they are afraid to speak. ‘takut salah!’ Let’s be clear: language is about...

Negosiasi Bisnis

Satu mitos dan delapan tips dari kehidupan nyata. Mitos Kebanyakan kursus pelatihan mengenai negosiasi bisnis menyarankan kepada Anda bahwa hasil “menang/menang” adalah hasil yang selalu...

Receptionists – Your Managers of First Impressions

What’s the first contact that potential customers make with your business? Chances are it’s with a receptionist, either on the phone or in your office. So how well is your receptionist representing...

6 Tips For Learning English Faster

There’s no substitute for taking a course at Aim, but there are plenty of things you can do outside class to accelerate your progress: 1. Bring more English into your life. Instead of reading...

Ayo nge-BLOG! Dan Tingkatkan Kemampuan Bahasa Inggrismu!

Kalau kamu bisa mengakses Internet, kamu pasti bisa membuat blog sendiri. Kalau kamu belum pernah punya blog sebelumnya, jangan khawatir – caranya sederhana sekali.Gunakan salah satu provider blog...