Why invest in a private English class at Aim?

Aim specialises in private classes, which is a one-on-one class or a class consisting of only you and your friends or your colleagues.

But why should you choose a private class, and for whom is a private English course most suitable? Well, for some people public classes can be a better option. But others prefer to be in a larger group, and learn better in a communicative, interactive group class.
However, group classes also have limitations. You must follow the fixed schedule, and you cannot focus on the precise language you use in your job or your study programme, and you cannot focus your individual strengths and weaknesses. The amount of attention you receive and the opportunities for you to participate and talk are also limited in public classes.
At Aim, the key to the success of our private classes is flexibility. You choose the days, you choose the times, you choose the teachers, and you choose what you learn.
We will create courses especially for you, focussing on your objectives, your strengths and weaknesses and your individual learning style. For many, the level of attention in a 1-on-1 class (and the amount of time you can spend talking) means that you’ll improve more quickly. Plus, if there’s something you’re working on at the office or at university, bring it to class and we can discus it together.